randRange(1, 9) randRange(2, 9) randRange(2, 9) randRange(1, 9) "<code>\\blue{" + A + "}</code>" "<code>\\green{" + B + "}</code>" "<code>\\red{" + C + "}</code>" "<code>\\pink{" + D + "}</code>" rand(2) rand(3) "\\green{" + B + "x}" [ $._("The sum of %(A)s and <code>%(TERM)s</code> is:", { A: CODE_A, TERM: TERM1 }), $._("%(A)s plus <code>%(TERM)s</code> is:", { A: CODE_A, TERM: TERM1 }), $._("<code>%(TERM)s</code> add %(A)s is:", { A: CODE_A, TERM: TERM1 }) ][SUM1] [ $._("The product of %(B)s and <code>\\green{x}</code> is:", { B: CODE_B }), $._("The quantity of %(B)s times <code>\\green{x}</code> is:", { B: CODE_B }) ][PRODUCT1] [ $._("The sum of %(A)s and the product of %(B)s and <code>x</code>.", { A: CODE_A, B: CODE_B }), $._("The sum of %(A)s and the quantity of %(B)s times <code>x</code>.", { A: CODE_A, B: CODE_B }), $._("%(A)s plus the product of %(B)s and <code>x</code>.", { A: CODE_A, B: CODE_B }), $._("%(A)s plus the quantity of %(B)s times <code>x</code>.", { A: CODE_A, B: CODE_B }), $._("Take the product of %(B)s and <code>x</code> and add %(A)s.", { A: CODE_A, B: CODE_B }), $._("Take the quantity of %(B)s times <code>x</code> and add %(A)s.", { A: CODE_A, B: CODE_B }) ][SUM1 * 2 + PRODUCT1]
rand(2) rand(3) "\\red{" + C + "}(\\green{" + B + "x} \\blue{+ " + A + "})" [ $._("The product of %(C)s and the above expression is:", { C: CODE_C }), $._("The quantity of %(C)s times the above expression is:", { C: CODE_C }) ][PRODUCT2] [ $._("The sum of %(D)s and <code>%(TERM)s</code> is:", { D: CODE_D, TERM: TERM2 }), $._("%(D)s plus <code>%(TERM)s</code> is:", { D: CODE_D, TERM: TERM2 }), $._("<code>%(TERM)s</code> add %(D)s is:", { D: CODE_D, TERM: TERM2 }) ][SUM1] [ $._("The sum of %(D)s and the product of %(C)s and the above expression.", { C: CODE_C, D: CODE_D }), $._("The sum of %(D)s and the quantity of %(C)s times the above expression.", { C: CODE_C, D: CODE_D }), $._("%(D)s plus the product of %(C)s and the above expression.", { C: CODE_C, D: CODE_D }), $._("%(D)s plus the quantity of %(C)s times the above expression.", { C: CODE_C, D: CODE_D }), $._("Take the product of %(C)s and the above expression, and then add %(D)s.", { C: CODE_C, D: CODE_D }), $._("Take the quantity of %(C)s times the above expression, and then add %(D)s.", { C: CODE_C, D: CODE_D }) ][SUM2 * 2 + PRODUCT2]

First consider the expression for:


Now select the answer that matches the following:


expr(["+", ["*", C, ["+", ["*", B, "x"], A]], D])

  • expr(["+", ["*", C, ["+", ["*", A, "x"], B]], D])
  • expr(["+", ["*", D, ["+", ["*", A, "x"], B]], C])
  • expr(["+", ["*", D, ["+", ["*", B, "x"], A]], C])
  • expr(["+", ["*", A, ["+", ["*", D, "x"], C]], B])

\qquad \green{B} \times \green{x} = TERM1

\qquad TERM1 \blue{+ A}

\qquad \red{C} \times (\green{Bx} \blue{+ A}) = TERM2

\qquad TERM2 + \pink{D}

rand(2) ORDER === 0 ? "\\dfrac{" + B + "x + " + A + "}{" + C + "}" : "\\dfrac{" + C + "}{" + B + "x + " + A + "}"

First consider the expression for:


Now select the answer that matches the following:

The quotient of the above expression and CODE_C. The quotient of CODE_C and the above expression.


  • \dfrac{B + expr(["*", A, "x"])}{C}
  • \dfrac{C}{expr(["*", A, "x"]) + B}
  • C(expr(["*", A, "x"]) + B)
  • C(Bx + A)
  • \dfrac{Bx}{C} + A

\qquad \green{B} \times \green{x} = TERM1

\qquad TERM1 \blue{+ A}

The quotient of TERM1 \blue{+ A} and CODE_C is:

\dfrac{TERM1 \blue{+ A}}{CODE_C}

The quotient of CODE_C and TERM1 \blue{+ A} is:

\dfrac{CODE_C}{TERM1 \blue{+ A}}