randFromArray(metricUnits) "\\text{ " + UNIT_SMALL + "}"
randRangeUnique(2,8,3) DIMENSIONS[0] DIMENSIONS[1] DIMENSIONS[2] max(max(LENGTH, WIDTH), HEIGHT) LENGTH/MAX WIDTH/MAX HEIGHT/MAX "#D7ED3A" "#38C77F" "#78D0EF" "#F0B63A" HEIGHT * 2 [ [LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX], [LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX] ] 4.0 [ { verts: [3, 2, 1, 0], color: COLOR1, labels: [[[XBORD, 0, ZBORD], WIDTH + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [4, 5, 6, 7], color: COLOR1, labels: [[[-XBORD, 0, -ZBORD],WIDTH + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [0, 1, 5, 4], color: COLOR3, labels: [[[-XBORD, YBORD, 0], HEIGHT + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [2, 3, 7, 6], color: COLOR3, labels: [[[-XBORD, -YBORD, 0], HEIGHT + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [1, 2, 6, 5], color: COLOR2, labels: [[[0, -YBORD, -ZBORD], LENGTH + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [3, 0, 4, 7], color: COLOR2, labels: [[[0, YBORD, ZBORD], LENGTH + UNIT_TEXT]] } ] [ { verts: [8,9,10,11], color: "#A9A9A9" }, { verts: [12,13,14,15], color: "#A9A9A9" } ]

What is the volume of this rectangular prism? Drag on the rectangular prism to rotate it.

init({range: [[-2, 2], [-2, 2]], scale: [100, 100]}); addMouseLayer(); //Adding verticies for the slabs for (var i = 1; i < HEIGHT;i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [LENGTH/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); VERTICES.push([-LENGTH/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); VERTICES.push([-LENGTH/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); VERTICES.push([LENGTH/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); }; //Adding verticies for the cubes in one slab for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; // graphing the initial object graph.obj = make3dObject(VERTICES, { scale: SCALE }); _.each(FACES, function(face) { graph.obj.addFace(face); }); graph.obj.setPos([0, 0, 5]); graph.obj.rotate(1,0 , 0, PI/3); graph.obj.rotate(0, 1, 0, 0); graph.obj.rotate(0, 0, 1, PI/8); graph.obj.doDraw(); var spinner; setTimeout(function() { spinner = setInterval(function() { graph.obj.rotate(0, 0, 1, 0.01); graph.obj.doDraw(); }, 50); }, 300); var mouseTarget = mouselayer.rect(0, 0, 400, 400).attr({ fill: "#000", opacity: 0.0 }); $(mouseTarget[0]).bind("vmousedown", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); graph.lastX = event.pageX; graph.lastY = event.pageY; clearInterval(spinner); $(document).bind("vmousemove vmouseup", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var dx = (event.pageX - graph.lastX) / 200 * PI; var dy = (event.pageY - graph.lastY) / 200 * PI; graph.lastX = event.pageX; graph.lastY = event.pageY; var xAxis = normalize(graph.obj.perspective[1]); var yAxis = normalize(graph.obj.perspective[0]); graph.obj.rotate(xAxis[0], xAxis[1], xAxis[2], -dx / 2); graph.obj.rotate(yAxis[0], yAxis[1], yAxis[2], -dy / 2); graph.obj.doDraw(); if (event.type === "vmouseup") { $(document).unbind("vmousemove vmouseup"); } }) });


The volume of a shape is measured by the number of one UNIT cubes which make up the shape.

To make counting the cubes easier, break the rectangular prism into HEIGHT slabs which are each WIDTH UNIT_TEXT wide, LENGTH UNIT_TEXT long, and 1 UNIT_TEXT high.

for (var i = 0; i<HEIGHT-1;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [8+4*i,9+4*i,10+4*i,11+4*i,8+4*i]}); }; graph.obj.doDraw();

Each slab has WIDTH rows containing LENGTH cubes, so there are WIDTH \times LENGTH = WIDTH*LENGTH cubes in each slab.

var start = 8+4*(HEIGHT-1)-1 // bottom length for (var i = 1; i<LENGTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+LENGTH+i-1], opacityValue: 0.5}); }; // bottom width start = start+2*(LENGTH-1); for (var i = 1; i<WIDTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+WIDTH+i-1], opacityValue: 0.5}); }; // top length start = start+2*(WIDTH-1); for (var i = 1; i<LENGTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+LENGTH+i-1]}); }; // top length start = start+2*(LENGTH-1); for (var i = 1; i<WIDTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+WIDTH+i-1]}); }; // sides start = 8+4*(HEIGHT-1)-1 for (var i = 1; i<2*LENGTH+2*WIDTH-3;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+2*LENGTH-2+2*WIDTH-2+i], opacityValue: 0.5}); }; // corners and top edges graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [1, 2,6,5,1], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [1, 8], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [2, 11], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [5, 9], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [6, 10], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [8, 9,10,11,8], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.doDraw();

Since there are WIDTH*LENGTH cubes in each slab, there are a total of HEIGHT \times WIDTH*LENGTH = HEIGHT*WIDTH*LENGTH cubes in the whole rectangular prism.

Since each cube is a cubic UNIT, the volume of the rectangular prism is HEIGHT*WIDTH*LENGTH UNIT_TEXT^3

randRangeUnique(2,8,3) DIMENSIONS[0] DIMENSIONS[1] DIMENSIONS[2] max(max(LENGTH, WIDTH), HEIGHT) LENGTH/MAX WIDTH/MAX HEIGHT/MAX "#D7ED3A" "#38C77F" "#78D0EF" "#F0B63A" HEIGHT * 2 [ [LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX], [LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, -HEIGHT/MAX], [-LENGTH/MAX, -WIDTH/MAX, HEIGHT/MAX] ] 4.0 [ { verts: [3, 2, 1, 0], color: COLOR1, labels: [[[XBORD, 0, ZBORD], WIDTH + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [4, 5, 6, 7], color: COLOR1, labels: [[[-XBORD, 0, -ZBORD],WIDTH + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [0, 1, 5, 4], color: COLOR3, labels: [[[-XBORD, YBORD, 0], "x" + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [2, 3, 7, 6], color: COLOR3, labels: [[[-XBORD, -YBORD, 0], "x" + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [1, 2, 6, 5], color: COLOR2, labels: [[[0, -YBORD, -ZBORD], LENGTH + UNIT_TEXT]] }, { verts: [3, 0, 4, 7], color: COLOR2, labels: [[[0, YBORD, ZBORD], LENGTH + UNIT_TEXT]] } ] [ {verts: [8,9,10,11], color: "#A9A9A9"}, {verts: [12,13,14,15], color: "#A9A9A9"} ]

The volume of this rectangular prism is LENGTH*WIDTH*HEIGHT cubic units. What is the number labeled x below?

init({range: [[-2, 2], [-2, 2]], scale: [100, 100]}); addMouseLayer(); //Adding verticies for the slabs for (var i = 1; i < HEIGHT;i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [LENGTH/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); VERTICES.push([-LENGTH/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); VERTICES.push([-LENGTH/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); VERTICES.push([LENGTH/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2*i)/MAX]); }; //Adding verticies for the cubes in one slab for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,-WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < LENGTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH+2*i)/MAX,WIDTH/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(-LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; for (var i = 1; i < WIDTH; i++ ){ VERTICES.push( [(LENGTH)/MAX,(-WIDTH+2*i)/MAX,(-HEIGHT+2)/MAX]); }; // graphing the initial object graph.obj = make3dObject(VERTICES, { scale: SCALE }); _.each(FACES, function(face) { graph.obj.addFace(face); }); graph.obj.setPos([0, 0, 5]); graph.obj.rotate(1,0 , 0, PI/3); graph.obj.rotate(0, 1, 0, 0); graph.obj.rotate(0, 0, 1, PI/8); graph.obj.doDraw(); var spinner; setTimeout(function() { spinner = setInterval(function() { graph.obj.rotate(0, 0, 1, 0); graph.obj.doDraw(); }, 50); }, 300); var mouseTarget = mouselayer.rect(0, 0, 400, 400).attr({ fill: "#000", opacity: 0.0 }); $(mouseTarget[0]).bind("vmousedown", function(event) { graph.lastX = event.pageX; graph.lastY = event.pageY; clearInterval(spinner); $(document).bind("vmousemove vmouseup", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var dx = (event.pageX - graph.lastX) / 200 * PI; var dy = (event.pageY - graph.lastY) / 200 * PI; graph.lastX = event.pageX; graph.lastY = event.pageY; var xAxis = normalize(graph.obj.perspective[1]); var yAxis = normalize(graph.obj.perspective[0]); graph.obj.rotate(xAxis[0], xAxis[1], xAxis[2], -dx / 2); graph.obj.rotate(yAxis[0], yAxis[1], yAxis[2], -dy / 2); graph.obj.doDraw(); if (event.type === "vmouseup") { $(document).unbind("vmousemove vmouseup"); } }) });


The volume of the LENGTH UNIT_TEXT \times WIDTH UNIT_TEXT \times 1 UNIT_TEXT slab pictured above is LENGTH*WIDTH UNIT_TEXT^3 since there are LENGTH rows of WIDTH cubic plural_form(UNIT).

var start = 8+4*(HEIGHT-1)-1 // bottom length for (var i = 1; i<LENGTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+LENGTH+i-1], opacityValue: 0.5}); }; // bottom width start = start+2*(LENGTH-1); for (var i = 1; i<WIDTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+WIDTH+i-1], opacityValue: 0.5}); }; // top length start = start+2*(WIDTH-1); for (var i = 1; i<LENGTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+LENGTH+i-1]}); }; // top length start = start+2*(LENGTH-1); for (var i = 1; i<WIDTH;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+WIDTH+i-1]}); }; // sides start = 8+4*(HEIGHT-1)-1 for (var i = 1; i<2*LENGTH+2*WIDTH-3;i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [start+i, start+2*LENGTH-2+2*WIDTH-2+i], opacityValue: 0.5}); }; // corners and top edges graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [1, 2,6,5,1], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [1, 8], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [2, 11], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [5, 9], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [6, 10], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [8, 9,10,11,8], opacityValue: 0.5}); graph.obj.doDraw();

Since the slabs have a height of 1 UNIT, x is the number of these slabs which fill up the whole rectangular prism.

We can figure out the number of slabs needed by seeing how many times LENGTH*WIDTH goes into LENGTH*WIDTH*HEIGHT


Thus x = HEIGHT

for (var i = 0; i < HEIGHT - 1; i++){ graph.obj.addSketch({ verts: [8+4*i,9+4*i,10+4*i,11+4*i,8+4*i]}); }; graph.obj.doDraw();