randRangeNonZero( -1, 1 ) ( PM === 1 ? $._("multiply") : $._("divide") ) randRange( 0, 99999 )
randRange( 1, 5 ) randRange( 1, 5 )
A / pow( 10, A_DECIMAL ) A / pow( 10, B_DECIMAL ) ( PM === 1 ? ( A_DECIMAL - B_DECIMAL ) : ( B_DECIMAL - A_DECIMAL ) )

How many times do you need to multiply localeToFixed(A_FLOAT, A_DECIMAL) by ten to get localeToFixed(B_FLOAT, B_DECIMAL)?

How many times do you need to divide localeToFixed(A_FLOAT, A_DECIMAL) by ten to get localeToFixed(B_FLOAT, B_DECIMAL)?


init({ range: [ [ -1, 11 ], [ -1, 3 ] ], scale: [20, 40] }); var digitsA = KhanUtil.digits( A ); //Pad zeroes if need be for the decimal point while ( digitsA.length < A_DECIMAL + 1) { digitsA.push( 0 ); } var digitsB = digitsA.slice(); //For the leading zero 0.# only occurs with division if ( digitsA.length < B_DECIMAL + 1) { digitsA.push( ' ' ); digitsB.push( 0 ); } drawDigits( digitsA.reverse(), 0, 1); drawDigits( digitsB.reverse(), 0, 0); for ( var i = 0; i < POW_DIFF; i++) { if ( PM === 1 ) { arc( [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL + i, 1.5 ], 0.5, 0, 180, { stroke: "blue" } ); label( [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL + i, 2 ], i+1, "above" ); if ( i === POW_DIFF - 1 ) { //hack for the final arrow...is there a better way? line( [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL + i + 0.5, 1.5 ], [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL + i + 0.5, 1.46 ], { stroke: "blue", arrows: "->" } ); } } else { //to draw the final arrow if ( i === POW_DIFF - 1 ) { style({ arrows: "->" }); } arc( [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL - (i + 1), 1.5 ], 0.5, 0, 180, { stroke: "blue" } ); label( [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL - (i + 1), 2 ], i+1, "above" ); } } //draw a black ellipse to be used as a decimal point style({ fill: "#000" }); ellipse( [ digitsA.length - A_DECIMAL - 0.5, 0.8 ], [ 0.09, 0.06 ] ); ellipse( [ digitsB.length - B_DECIMAL - 0.5, -0.2 ], [ 0.09, 0.06 ] ); var labelstr = "The decimal point needs to be moved " + POW_DIFF + " time" + ( POW_DIFF !== 1 ? "s." : "."); label ([ digitsA.length + 0.5, 0.5 ], labelstr, "right", false);

Moving the decimal one position to the right is the same as multiplying by ten once.

Moving the decimal one position to the left is the same as dividing by ten once.

Thus, moving the decimal right POW_DIFF times is the same as multiplying by ten POW_DIFF times, or multiplying by pow( 10, POW_DIFF ):

{localeToFixed(A_FLOAT, A_DECIMAL)} * {pow( 10, POW_DIFF )} = {localeToFixed(B_FLOAT, B_DECIMAL)}

Thus, moving the decimal left POW_DIFF times is the same as dividing by ten POW_DIFF times, or dividing by pow( 10, POW_DIFF ):

{localeToFixed(A_FLOAT, A_DECIMAL)} \div {pow( 10, POW_DIFF )} = {localeToFixed(B_FLOAT, B_DECIMAL)}

You need to multiply by ten POW_DIFF time. You need to multiply by ten POW_DIFF times.

You need to divide by ten POW_DIFF time. You need to divide by ten POW_DIFF times.