randFromArray([ 0, randRange( 1, 9 ) ]) randRange( 0, 9 )
randRange( 0, 9 ) randRange( 0, 9 ) randRange( 0, 9 )
randRange( 0, 9 ) randRange( 1, 9 )

Choose the right number of each value to make
\Huge{ \pink{THOUSANDS} \orange{HUNDREDS} \green{TENS} \blue{ONES}. \purple{TENTHS} \gray{HUNDREDTHS} \color{#a52a2a}{THOUSANDTHS} }

(function() { Khan.scratchpad.disable(); // click handlers $( "#problemarea .thou" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'thou-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .hund" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'hund-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .ten" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'ten-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .one" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'one-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .tenth" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'tenth-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .hundth" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'hundth-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .thouth" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'thouth-selected' ); }); })()


digitsToInteger([ $( "#problemarea .thou-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .hund-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .ten-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .one-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .tenth-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .hundth-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .thouth-selected" ).length ]) / 1000
if ( guess === 0 ) { return ""; } else { return guess === ( digitsToInteger([ THOUSANDS, HUNDREDS, TENS, ONES, TENTHS, HUNDREDTHS, THOUSANDTHS ]) / 1000 ); }
var places = digits( guess * 1000 ); // unselect everything $( "#problemarea .place-value" ).removeClass( 'thou-selected hund-selected ten-selected one-selected tenth-selected, hundth-selected, thouth-selected' ); // select the approprate number of each thing $( "#problemarea .thou" ).slice( 0, places[6] || 0 ).addClass( 'thou-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .hund" ).slice( 0, places[5] || 0 ).addClass( 'hund-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .ten" ).slice( 0, places[4] || 0 ).addClass( 'ten-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .one" ).slice( 0, places[3] || 0 ).addClass( 'one-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .tenth" ).slice( 0, places[2] || 0 ).addClass( 'tenth-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .hundth" ).slice( 0, places[1] || 0 ).addClass( 'hundth-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .thouth" ).slice( 0, places[0] || 0 ).addClass( 'thouth-selected' );
randRange( 1, 9 ) 0

Choose the right number of bills and coins to make
\Huge{$ \pink{THOUSANDS} \orange{HUNDREDS} \green{TENS} \blue{ONES}. \purple{TENTHS} \color{gray}{HUNDREDTHS} }

Khan.scratchpad.disable(); init({ range: [ [ 0, 143 ], [ -430, 22 ] ], scale: [ 1, 1 ] }); style({ fill: "#eee", stroke: "#ddd", strokeWidth: 1 }); graph.tenths = []; graph.hundredths = []; for ( var i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { graph.tenths.push( circle( [ 37, (-42 * i) - 26 ], 18 ) ); graph.hundredths.push( circle( [ 107, (-42 * i) - 26 ], 18 ) ); } graph.getCoinCircle = function( coinEl ) { var coins, coin = $( coinEl ); if ( coin.hasClass( 'dime' ) ) { coins = KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph.tenths; } else { coins = KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph.hundredths; } return coins[ coin.index() - 1 ]; } // click handlers $( "#problemarea .thou" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'thou-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .hund" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'hund-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .ten" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'ten-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .one" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'one-selected' ); }); $( "#problemarea .dime" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'dime-selected' ); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'dime-selected' ) ) { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ fill: 'purple', stroke: '#000' }); } else { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ fill: '#eee', stroke: '#ddd' }); } }); $( "#problemarea .penny" ).bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).toggleClass( 'penny-selected' ); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'penny-selected' ) ) { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ fill: 'gray', stroke: '#000' }); } else { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ fill: '#eee', stroke: '#ddd' }); } }); // mouseover handlers $( "#problemarea .dime" ).bind( "vmouseover", function( event ) { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ stroke: '#999' }); }); $( "#problemarea .penny" ).bind( "vmouseover", function( event ) { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ stroke: '#999' }); }); // mouseout handlers $( "#problemarea .dime" ).bind( "vmouseout", function( event ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'dime-selected' ) ) { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ stroke: '#000' }); } else { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ stroke: '#ddd' }); } }); $( "#problemarea .penny" ).bind( "vmouseout", function( event ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'penny-selected' ) ) { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ stroke: '#000' }); } else { graph.getCoinCircle( this ).attr({ stroke: '#ddd' }); } });


digitsToInteger([ $( "#problemarea .thou-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .hund-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .ten-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .one-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .dime-selected" ).length, $( "#problemarea .penny-selected" ).length ]) / 100
if ( guess === 0 ) { return ""; } else { return guess === ( digitsToInteger([ THOUSANDS, HUNDREDS, TENS, ONES, TENTHS, HUNDREDTHS ]) / 100 ); }
var places = digits( guess * 100 ); // unselect everything $( "#problemarea .bill" ).removeClass( 'thou-selected hund-selected ten-selected one-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .dime" ).removeClass( 'dime-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .penny" ).removeClass( 'penny-selected' ); $.each( KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph.tenths, function() { this.attr({ fill: '#eee', stroke: '#ddd' }); }); $.each( KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph.hundredths, function() { this.attr({ fill: '#eee', stroke: '#ddd' }); }); // select the approprate number of each thing $( "#problemarea .thou" ).slice( 0, places[5] || 0 ).addClass( 'thou-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .hund" ).slice( 0, places[4] || 0 ).addClass( 'hund-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .ten" ).slice( 0, places[3] || 0 ).addClass( 'ten-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .one" ).slice( 0, places[2] || 0 ).addClass( 'one-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .dime" ).slice( 0, places[1] || 0 ).addClass( 'dime-selected' ); $( "#problemarea .penny" ).slice( 0, places[0] || 0 ).addClass( 'penny-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < places[1]; ++i ) { KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph.tenths[ i ].attr({ fill: 'purple', stroke: '#000' }); } for ( var i = 0; i < places[0]; ++i ) { KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph.hundredths[ i ].attr({ fill: 'gray', stroke: '#000' }); }

\Large{ \pink{THOUSANDS} \orange{HUNDREDS} \green{TENS} \blue{ONES}. \purple{TENTHS} \gray{HUNDREDTHS} \color{brown}{THOUSANDTHS} } is the same as \large{ \pink{THOUSANDS000} + \orange{HUNDREDS00} + \green{TENS0} + \blue{ONES} + \purple{0.TENTHS} + \gray{0.0HUNDREDTHS} + \color{brown}{0.00THOUSANDTHS} }.

\large{\pink{THOUSANDS000}} is the same as \large{\pink{THOUSANDS}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[3], THOUSANDS), the place value four places to the left of the decimal point.

// Select thousands. var thous = $( '#problemarea .thou' ); thous.removeClass( 'thou-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < THOUSANDS; i++ ) { $( thous[ i ] ).addClass( 'thou-selected' ); }

Because there is no number in the thousands place, you don't need any thousands.

\large{\orange{HUNDREDS00}} is the same as \large{\orange{HUNDREDS}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[2], HUNDREDS), the place value three places to the left of the decimal point..

// Select hundreds. var hunds = $( '#problemarea .hund' ); hunds.removeClass( 'hund-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < HUNDREDS; i++ ) { $( hunds[ i ] ).addClass( 'hund-selected' ); }

Because the hundreds place is \large{0}, you don't need any hundreds.

\large{\green{TENS0}} is the same as \large{\green{TENS}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[1], TENS), the place value two places to the left of the decimal point.

// Select tens. var tens = $( '#problemarea .ten' ); tens.removeClass( 'ten-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < TENS; i++ ) { $( tens[ i ] ).addClass( 'ten-selected' ); }

Because the tens place is \large{0}, you don't need any tens.

\large{\blue{ONES}} is the same as \large{\blue{ONES}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[0], ONES), the place value one place to the left of the decimal point.

// Select ones. var ones = $( '#problemarea .one' ); ones.removeClass( 'one-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < ONES; i++ ) { $( ones[ i ] ).addClass( 'one-selected' ); }

Because the ones place is \large{0}, you don't need any ones.

\large{\purple{0.TENTHS}} is the same as \large{\purple{TENTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[1], TENTHS), the place value one place to the right of the decimal point.

// Select dimes/tenths. if ( $( '#place-value' ).length === 1 ) { var tenths = $( '#problemarea .tenth' ); tenths.removeClass( 'tenth-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < TENTHS; i++ ) { $( tenths[ i ] ).addClass( 'tenth-selected' ); } } else { var dimes = $( '#problemarea .dime' ); dimes.removeClass( 'dime-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < dimes.length; i++ ) { graph.getCoinCircle( dimes[ i ] ).attr({ fill: '#eee', stroke: '#ddd' }); } for ( var i = 0; i < TENTHS; i++ ) { $( dimes[ i ] ).addClass( 'dime-selected' ); graph.getCoinCircle( dimes[ i ] ).attr({ fill: 'purple', stroke: '#000' }); } }

Because the tenths place is \large{0}, you don't need any tenths.

\large{\color{gray}{0.0HUNDREDTHS}} is the same as \large{\color{gray}{HUNDREDTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[2], HUNDREDTHS), the place value two places to the right of the decimal point.

// Select pennies/hundredths. if ( $( '#place-value' ).length === 1 ) { var hundths = $( '#problemarea .hundth' ); hundths.removeClass( 'hundth-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < HUNDREDTHS; i++ ) { $( hundths[ i ] ).addClass( 'hundth-selected' ); } } else { var pennies = $( '#problemarea .penny' ); pennies.removeClass( 'penny-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < pennies.length; i++ ) { graph.getCoinCircle( pennies[ i ] ).attr({ fill: '#eee', stroke: '#ddd' }); } for ( var i = 0; i < HUNDREDTHS; i++ ) { $( pennies[ i ] ).addClass( 'penny-selected' ); graph.getCoinCircle( pennies[ i ] ).attr({ fill: 'gray', stroke: '#000' }); } }

Because the hundreds place is \large{0}, you don't need any hundreds.

\large{\color{brown}{0.00THOUSANDTHS}} is the same as \large{\color{brown}{THOUSANDTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[3], THOUSANDTHS), the place value three places to the right of the decimal point.

// Select thousandths. var thouths = $( '#problemarea .thouth' ); thouths.removeClass( 'thouth-selected' ); for ( var i = 0; i < THOUSANDTHS; i++) { $( thouths[ i ] ).addClass( 'thouth-selected' ); }

Therefore you need: \large{\pink{THOUSANDS}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[3], THOUSANDS), \large{\orange{HUNDREDS}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[2], HUNDREDS), \large{\green{TENS}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[1], TENS), \large{\blue{ONES}} plural_form(numberPlaceNames[0], ONES), \large{\purple{TENTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[1], TENTHS), and \large{\color{gray}{HUNDREDTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[2], HUNDREDTHS). \large{\color{gray}{HUNDREDTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[2], HUNDREDTHS), and \large{\color{brown}{THOUSANDTHS}} plural_form(decimalPlaceNames[3], THOUSANDTHS).