randRange(1, 9) randRangeExclude(3, 9, [NUMERATOR]) ceil(NUMERATOR / DENOMINATOR) NUMERATOR - (WHOLES - 1) * DENOMINATOR

What is the numerator of the fraction \dfrac{NUMERATOR}{DENOMINATOR}?


Fractions represent parts of a whole.

The fraction \dfrac{NUMERATOR}{DENOMINATOR} could represent cutting pies into DENOMINATOR slices and taking NUMERATOR of those slices.

init({ range: [[-2, 16], [-2, 2]], scale: 25 }); for (var i = 0; i < WHOLES; i++) { if (i !== 0) { piechart([DENOMINATOR, 0], [KhanUtil.BLUE, "#999"], 1.9, false, i * 4, 0); } else { piechart([FINAL, DENOMINATOR - FINAL], [KhanUtil.BLUE, "#999"], 1.9, false, i * 4, 0); } } label([WHOLES * 4 - 2, 0], "=\\dfrac{\\blue{" + NUMERATOR + "}}{" + DENOMINATOR + "}" + "=\\dfrac{\\blue{\\text{" + $._("numerator") + "}}}{\\text{" + $._("denominator") + "}}", "right");

The numerator is the number of slices we take, and it is written above the fraction line.

So the numerator is NUMERATOR.

What is the denominator of the fraction \dfrac{NUMERATOR}{DENOMINATOR}?


The denominator is the number of slices per pie, and it is written below the line.

So the denominator is DENOMINATOR.