randRangeUnique( 1, 8, 5 ) randFromArray([ ["meteorite", $._("meteorite")], ["moon", $._("moon")], ["earth", $._("earth")] ]) "<img src='" + Khan.imageBase + "badges/" + BADGE_ID + "-small.png'>" 1

Use the pictograph to answer the question below:

BADGE badges earned by each student
person( n + 1 )FULL_IMAGE  
_.indexOf( DATA, Math.max.apply( Math, DATA ) )

Who earned the most BADGE badges?

person( MOST + 1 )
  • person( 1 )
  • person( 2 )
  • person( 3 )
  • person( 4 )
  • person( 5 )

Who has the largest number of BADGE symbols next to his name in the chart?

Who has the largest number of BADGE symbols next to her name in the chart?

person( MOST + 1 ) has the largest number of symbols next to his name.

person( MOST + 1 ) has the largest number of symbols next to her name.

person( MOST + 1 ) earned the most BADGE badges.

_.indexOf( DATA, Math.min.apply( Math, DATA ) )

Who earned the fewest BADGE badges?

person( LEAST + 1 )
  • person( 1 )
  • person( 2 )
  • person( 3 )
  • person( 4 )
  • person( 5 )

Who has the smallest number of BADGE symbols next to his name in the chart?

Who has the smallest number of BADGE symbols next to her name in the chart?

person( LEAST + 1 ) has the smallest number of symbols next to his name.

person( LEAST + 1 ) has the smallest number of symbols next to her name.

person( LEAST + 1 ) earned the fewest BADGE badges.

new Plural(function(num) { return $.ngettext("symbol", "symbols", num); }) new Plural(function(num) { return $.ngettext("badge", "badges", num); }) rand( 5 ) DATA[ PERSON ] * VALUE_PER_IMG

How many BADGE badges did person( PERSON + 1 ) earn?


The key at the bottom of the pictograph shows that each symbol represents VALUE_PER_IMG badge.

The key at the bottom of the pictograph shows that each symbol represents VALUE_PER_IMG badges.

Find person( PERSON + 1 )'s row in the table:

person( PERSON + 1 )FULL_IMAGE  

There is DATA[PERSON] symbol.

There are DATA[PERSON] symbols.

DATA[ PERSON ] plural_form( SYMBOL, DATA[ PERSON ] ) \times VALUE_PER_IMG badge per symbolbadges per symbol = DATA[ PERSON ] * VALUE_PER_IMG plural_form( BADGE_PL, DATA[ PERSON ] * VALUE_PER_IMG )

person( PERSON + 1 ) earned ANSWER BADGE badge.

person( PERSON + 1 ) earned ANSWER BADGE badges.