$.map( new Array( 5 ), function() { return randRange( 12, 20 ) * 5; } ) $.map( new Array( 5 ), function() { return randRange( 12, 20 ) * 5; } ) $.map( new Array( 5 ), function( e, n ) { return FINAL[ n ] - MIDTERM[ n ]; } ) $.map( IMPROVEMENT, function( x ) { return x > 0 ? 1 : null; }).length sortNumbers(IMPROVEMENT)[4] === sortNumbers(IMPROVEMENT)[3] false

Use the graph to answer the question:

init({ range: [ [ -2, 17 ], [ -3, 11.5 ] ], scale: [ 27, 30 ] }); for ( var y = 1; y <= 10; ++y ) { label( [ 0, y ], y * 10, "left", false ); style({ stroke: "#000", strokeWidth: 1, opacity: 0.2 }, function() { line( [ 0, y ], [ 16, y ] ) }); } for ( var index = 0; index < 5; ++index ) { style({ stroke: "none", fill: "#9ab8ed", opacity: 1.0 }); path([ [ index * 3 + 1, 0 ], [ index * 3 + 1, MIDTERM[ index ] / 10 ], [ index * 3 + 2, MIDTERM[ index ] / 10 ], [ index * 3 + 2, 0 ], [ index * 3 + 1, 0 ] ]); style({ stroke: "none", fill: "#ffc966", opacity: 1.0 }); path([ [ index * 3 + 2, 0 ], [ index * 3 + 2, FINAL[ index ] / 10 ], [ index * 3 + 3, FINAL[ index ] / 10 ], [ index * 3 + 3, 0 ], [ index * 3 + 2, 0 ] ]); style({ opacity: 1.0 }); label( [ index * 3 + 2, 0 ], person( index + 1 ), "below", false ); } style({ stroke: "#000", strokeWidth: 2, opacity: 1.0 }); line( [ 0, 0 ], [ 16, 0 ] ); line( [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10 ] ); label( [ 8, -0.8 ], $._("Student"), "below", false ).css('font-weight', 'bold'); label( [ -1.5, 5 ], "Score (points)", "center", false ).addClass( "rotate" ) .css('font-weight', 'bold'); label( [ 8, 10.5 ], "Scores on Midterm and Final Exams", "above", false ).css('font-weight', 'bold'); style({ stroke: "none", fill: "#9ab8ed", opacity: 1.0 }); path([ [ 0, -2 ], [ 0.5, -2 ], [ 0.5, -2.5 ], [ 0, -2.5 ], [ 0, -2 ] ]); style({ stroke: "#000", strokeWidth: 2, opacity: 1.0 }); label( [ 0.5, -2.25 ], $._("Midterm"), "right", false ); style({ stroke: "none", fill: "#ffc966", opacity: 1.0 }); path([ [ 3, -2 ], [ 3.5, -2 ], [ 3.5, -2.5 ], [ 3, -2.5 ], [ 3, -2 ] ]); style({ stroke: "#000", strokeWidth: 2, opacity: 1.0 }); label( [ 3.5, -2.25 ], $._("Final"), "right", false );
Math.max.apply( Math, IMPROVEMENT ) _.indexOf( IMPROVEMENT, BEST_IMPROVEMENT ) person( MOST_IMPROVED_IDX + 1 )

Which student's score improved the most between the midterm and final exams?

  • person( 1 )
  • person( 2 )
  • person( 3 )
  • person( 4 )
  • person( 5 )

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is taller than his midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) improved his score. His midterm score was MIDTERM[ INDEX ] and his final exam score was FINAL[ INDEX ], so he improved by IMPROVEMENT[ INDEX ] points.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is taller than her midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) improved her score. Her midterm score was MIDTERM[ INDEX ] and her final exam score was FINAL[ INDEX ], so she improved by IMPROVEMENT[ INDEX ] points.

style({ stroke: GREEN, strokeWidth: 2, arrows: "->" }); line( [ INDEX * 3 + 1.5, MIDTERM[ INDEX ] / 10 ], [ INDEX * 3 + 2.5, FINAL[ INDEX ] / 10 ] ); label( [ INDEX * 3 + 1.5, MIDTERM[ INDEX ] / 10 + 0.2 ], MIDTERM[ INDEX ], "below", false ).css({ fontWeight: "bold" }); label( [ INDEX * 3 + 2.5, FINAL[ INDEX ] / 10 - 0.2 ], FINAL[ INDEX ], "above", false ).css({ fontWeight: "bold" });

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is shorter than his midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve his score.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is shorter than her midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve her score.

style({ stroke: "grey", strokeWidth: 2, arrows: "->" }); line( [ INDEX * 3 + 1.5, MIDTERM[ INDEX ] / 10 ], [ INDEX * 3 + 2.5, FINAL[ INDEX ] / 10 ] );

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is the same height as his midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve his score.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is the same height as her midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve her score.

MOST_IMPROVED improved his score the most, scoring BEST_IMPROVEMENT more points on his final exam than on his midterm.

MOST_IMPROVED improved her score the most, scoring BEST_IMPROVEMENT more points on her final exam than on her midterm.

randRange( 0, 4 ) person( INDEX + 1 )

By how many points did STUDENT's score improve from the midterm to the final exam?


Find the two bars for STUDENT.

style({ stroke: PINK, fill: "none", strokeWidth: 2 }); ellipse( [ INDEX * 3 + 2, -0.6 ], [ 1.2, 0.5 ] );

Compare the height of STUDENT's blue bar to the scale on the left to find his midterm score. The bar's height is halfway between MIDTERM[ INDEX ] - 5 and MIDTERM[ INDEX ] + 5, so STUDENT earned MIDTERM[ INDEX ] points on the midterm.

Compare the height of STUDENT's blue bar to the scale on the left to find her midterm score. The bar's height is halfway between MIDTERM[ INDEX ] - 5 and MIDTERM[ INDEX ] + 5, so STUDENT earned MIDTERM[ INDEX ] points on the midterm.

style({ stroke: BLUE, strokeWidth: 2, arrows: "->", strokeDasharray: "-" }); line( [ INDEX * 3 + 1, MIDTERM[ INDEX ] / 10 ], [ 0, MIDTERM[ INDEX ] / 10 ] );

Compare the height of STUDENT's orange bar to the scale on the left to find his final exam score. The bar's height is halfway between FINAL[ INDEX ] - 5 and FINAL[ INDEX ] + 5, so STUDENT earned FINAL[ INDEX ] points on the final exam.

Compare the height of STUDENT's orange bar to the scale on the left to find her final exam score. The bar's height is halfway between FINAL[ INDEX ] - 5 and FINAL[ INDEX ] + 5, so STUDENT earned FINAL[ INDEX ] points on the final exam.

style({ stroke: ORANGE, strokeWidth: 2, arrows: "->", strokeDasharray: "-" }); line( [ INDEX * 3 + 2, FINAL[ INDEX ] / 10 ], [ 0, FINAL[ INDEX ] / 10 ] );

Subtract the midterm score from the final exam score to find out how much STUDENT improved.

\color{ORANGE}{FINAL[ INDEX ]} - \color{#6495ED}{MIDTERM[ INDEX ]} = IMPROVEMENT[ INDEX ], so STUDENT improved by IMPROVEMENT[ INDEX ] points from the midterm to the final exam.

randRange( 0, 4 ) person( INDEX + 1 ) randRange( 0, 1 ) [ $._("midterm"), $._("final exam") ][ COLUMN ] COLUMN === 0 ? MIDTERM[ INDEX ] : FINAL[ INDEX ]

How many points did STUDENT earn on the TEST?

ANSWER points

Find the two bars for STUDENT.

style({ stroke: PINK, fill: "none", strokeWidth: 2 }); ellipse( [ INDEX * 3 + 2, -0.6 ], [ 1.2, 0.5 ] );

Use the key to figure out which of the two bars shows the score for the TEST.

style({ stroke: PINK, fill: "none", strokeWidth: 2 }); ellipse( [ COLUMN * 3 + 1.2, -2.25 ], [ 1.5, 0.5 ] );

Compare the height of STUDENT's blueorange bar to the scale on the left.

style({ stroke: PINK, strokeWidth: 2, arrows: "->", strokeDasharray: "-" }); line( [ INDEX * 3 + 1 + COLUMN, ANSWER / 10 ], [ 0, ANSWER / 10 ] );

The bar's height is halfway between ANSWER - 5 and ANSWER + 5, so STUDENT earned ANSWER points on the TEST.

STUDENT earned ANSWER points on the TEST.

How many students improved their scores from the midterm to the final exam?


person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is taller than his midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) improved his score.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is taller than her midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) improved her score.

style({ stroke: "grey", strokeWidth: 2, arrows: "->" }); line( [ INDEX * 3 + 1.5, MIDTERM[ INDEX ] / 10 ], [ INDEX * 3 + 2.5, FINAL[ INDEX ] / 10 ] );

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is shorter than his midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve his score.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is shorter than her midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve her score.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is the same height as his midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve his score.

person( INDEX + 1 )'s final exam bar is the same height as her midterm bar, so person( INDEX + 1 ) did not improve her score.

Count the number of students who improved their scores.

NUM_IMPROVED students improved their scores from the midterm to the final exam.