randRange(1, 4) (SCALE + randRange(1, 10)) * randFromArray([-1, 1]) MIDPOINT - 5 * SCALE MIDPOINT + 5 * SCALE randFromArray([ MIDPOINT - SCALE * 5, MIDPOINT - SCALE * 4, MIDPOINT - SCALE * 3, MIDPOINT + SCALE * 3, MIDPOINT + SCALE * 4, MIDPOINT + SCALE * 5 ]) LOWER_BOUND - SCALE * 0.6 UPPER_BOUND + SCALE * 0.6

The blue dot is at what value on the number line?

init({ range: [[LOWER_BOUND - SCALE * 0.75, UPPER_BOUND + SCALE * 0.75], [-1, 1]], scale: [40 / SCALE, 40] }); line([START + 1, 0], [STOP, 0], { arrows: "->" }); line([STOP - 1, 0], [START, 0], { arrows: "->" }); for (var x = LOWER_BOUND; x <= UPPER_BOUND; x += SCALE) { line([x, -0.2], [x, 0.2 ]); } label([MIDPOINT - SCALE, -0.53], ("" + (MIDPOINT - SCALE)).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "center"); label([MIDPOINT + SCALE, -0.53], ("" + (MIDPOINT + SCALE)).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "center"); style({ stroke: BLUE, fill: BLUE }); graph.blueDot = ellipse([NUMBER, 0], [SCALE * 0.1, 0.1]); graph.questionLabel = label([NUMBER, -0.53], "{?}", "center", { color: BLUE });

Label the other tick marks on the number line.

for (var x = LOWER_BOUND; x <= UPPER_BOUND; x += SCALE) { if (x !== MIDPOINT - SCALE && x !== MIDPOINT + SCALE && x !== NUMBER) { label([x, -0.53], ("" + x).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "center"); } }

The blue dot represents the number NUMBER.

graph.questionLabel.remove(); label([NUMBER, -0.53], ("" + NUMBER).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "center", { color: BLUE });

The blue dot is at what value on the number line?

init({ range: [[-5, 5], [LOWER_BOUND - SCALE * 0.75, UPPER_BOUND + SCALE * 0.75]], scale: [32, 32 / SCALE] }); line([0, START + 1], [0, STOP], { arrows: "->" }); line([0, STOP - 1], [0, START], { arrows: "->" }); for (var y = LOWER_BOUND; y <= UPPER_BOUND; y += SCALE) { line([-0.2, y], [0.2, y]); } label([-0.2, MIDPOINT - SCALE], ("" + (MIDPOINT - SCALE)).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "left"); label([-0.2, MIDPOINT + SCALE], ("" + (MIDPOINT + SCALE)).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "left"); style({ stroke: BLUE, fill: BLUE }); graph.blueDot = ellipse([0, NUMBER], [0.1, 0.1 * SCALE]); graph.questionLabel = label([-0.2, NUMBER], "{?}", "left", { color: BLUE });

Label the other tick marks on the number line.

for (var x = LOWER_BOUND; x <= UPPER_BOUND; x += SCALE) { if (x !== MIDPOINT - SCALE && x !== MIDPOINT + SCALE && x !== NUMBER) { label([-0.2, x], ("" + x).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "left"); } }

The blue dot represents the number NUMBER.

graph.questionLabel.remove(); label([-0.2, NUMBER], ("" + NUMBER).replace(/-/, "\\llap{-}"), "left", { color: BLUE });

Two tick marks are labeled.

The distance between the two labeled tick marks is 2 * SCALE.

Therefore, the space between each pair of tick marks is 2 * SCALE / 2 = SCALE