Construct a circle inscribed inside the triangle.
range: [[-5, 5], [-4, 4]],
scale: 50
graph.triangle = new Triangle([0, 0], [ANGLE1, ANGLE2, ANGLE3], 10, {});
var circumCenter = graph.triangle.circumCenter;
graph.triangle.rotate(randRange(0, 360));
graph.triangle.translate([-circumCenter[0], -circumCenter[1]]);
graph.inCenter = graph.triangle.inCenter;
graph.points = graph.triangle.points;
Use the compass and straightedge tools to construct an inscribed circle.
if (guess.length === 0) {
return "";
// Find incircle
var inCircle = findCompass(guess, {
radius: graph.triangle.inradius,
cx: graph.inCenter[0],
cy: graph.inCenter[1]
if (inCircle.length < 1) {
return false;
// Find at least two angle bisectors
// These are lines that go through the center and one triangle point
var lines = _.filter(guess, function(tool) {
if (tool.first) {
var line = [tool.first.coord, tool.second.coord];
if (!isPointOnLineSegment(line, graph.inCenter, 0.2)) {
return false;
return _.any(graph.points, function(p) {
return isPointOnLineSegment(line, p, 0.2)
if (lines.length < 2) {
return "Make sure you keep the straightedges you used in place."
// Find compasses
return true;
An inscribed circle is centered on the incenter of a triangle and touches all three sides.
The incenter of a triangle is the intersection of its angle bisectors.
// Radius of compasses we use for angle bisector construction
graph.r = 1.2;
var angle1 = atan2(graph.points[1][1] - graph.points[0][1],
graph.points[1][0] - graph.points[0][0]);
var angle2 = atan2(graph.points[2][1] - graph.points[0][1],
graph.points[2][0] - graph.points[0][0]);
graph.p1 = [
graph.points[0][0] + graph.r * cos(angle1),
graph.points[0][1] + graph.r * sin(angle1)
graph.p2 = [
graph.points[0][0] + graph.r * cos(angle2),
graph.points[0][1] + graph.r * sin(angle2)
circle(graph.points[0], 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(graph.p1, 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(graph.p2, 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(graph.points[0], graph.r, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: "none",
strokeDasharray: "- "
graph.hintLines = raphael.set();
graph.hintLines.push(drawHintLine(graph.points[0], graph.p1, 1));
graph.hintLines.push(drawHintLine(graph.points[0], graph.p2, 1));
If we put a compass on one point of the triangle we can find points
on either side which are the same distance from that point.
// Find where compasses intersect
graph.bisect1 = atan2(graph.inCenter[1] - graph.points[0][1],
graph.inCenter[0] - graph.points[0][0]);
// Length is base of two triangles with one angle half the triangle's angle
var length = 2 * graph.r * cos(ANGLE1 * PI / 360);
var bisector1 = [
graph.points[0][0] + length * cos(graph.bisect1),
graph.points[0][1] + length * sin(graph.bisect1)
circle(graph.p1, graph.r, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: "none",
strokeDasharray: "- "
circle(graph.p2, graph.r, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: "none",
strokeDasharray: "- "
graph.hintLines.push(drawHintLine(graph.p1, bisector1, 1));
graph.hintLines.push(drawHintLine(graph.p2, bisector1, 1));
If we put compasses with the same radii on each of these new points,
we can find all the points that are an equal distance from both points.
var x1 = graph.points[0][0] + 10 * cos(graph.bisect1);
var y1 = graph.points[0][1] + 10 * sin(graph.bisect1);
var x2 = graph.points[0][0] - 10 * cos(graph.bisect1);
var y2 = graph.points[0][1] - 10 * sin(graph.bisect1);
line([x1, y1], [x2, y2], {
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeDasharray: "- ",
stroke: GRAY,
Joining the triangle angle with the point where the compasses intersect creates
two triangles with the same side lengths and therefore the same angles.
This line therefore bisects the angle.
var angle1 = atan2(graph.points[0][1] - graph.points[1][1],
graph.points[0][0] - graph.points[1][0]);
var angle2 = atan2(graph.points[2][1] - graph.points[1][1],
graph.points[2][0] - graph.points[1][0]);
var p1 = [
graph.points[1][0] + graph.r * cos(angle1),
graph.points[1][1] + graph.r * sin(angle1)
var p2 = [
graph.points[1][0] + graph.r * cos(angle2),
graph.points[1][1] + graph.r * sin(angle2)
circle(graph.points[1], 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(p1, 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(p2, 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(graph.points[1], graph.r, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: "none",
strokeDasharray: "- "
circle(p1, graph.r, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: "none",
strokeDasharray: "- "
circle(p2, graph.r, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 1,
fill: "none",
strokeDasharray: "- "
var angle3 = atan2(graph.inCenter[1] - graph.points[1][1],
graph.inCenter[0] - graph.points[1][0]);
var x1 = graph.points[1][0] + 10 * cos(angle3);
var y1 = graph.points[1][1] + 10 * sin(angle3);
var x2 = graph.points[1][0] - 10 * cos(angle3);
var y2 = graph.points[1][1] - 10 * sin(angle3);
line([x1, y1], [x2, y2], {
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeDasharray: "- ",
stroke: GRAY,
Using the same method we can bisect another of the triangle's angles.
circle(graph.inCenter, 0.08, {
fill: GRAY,
stroke: null
circle(graph.inCenter, graph.triangle.inradius, {
stroke: GRAY,
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: "none"
The point where the bisectors intersect is the incenter. We could bisect the third angle in the triangle,
but this will intersect at the same point.
We can draw an inscribed circle by centering a compass on the incenter and changing its radius so it
touches the sides of the triangle.