range: 11,
scale: 20,
axisArrows: "<->",
tickStep: 1,
labelStep: 1,
gridOpacity: 0.05,
axisOpacity: 0.2,
tickOpacity: 0.4,
labelOpacity: 0.5
label( [ 0, 11 ], "y", "above" );
label( [ 11, 0 ], "x", "right" );
graph.pointA = addMovablePoint({
coord: [ 5, 5 ],
snapX: 0.5,
snapY: 0.5,
normalStyle: {
stroke: KhanUtil.BLUE,
fill: KhanUtil.BLUE
graph.pointB = addMovablePoint({
coord: [ -5, 5 ],
snapX: 0.5,
snapY: 0.5,
normalStyle: {
stroke: KhanUtil.BLUE,
fill: KhanUtil.BLUE
graph.pointC = addMovablePoint({
coord: [ 0, 5 ],
snapX: 0.5,
snapY: 0.5,
normalStyle: {
stroke: KhanUtil.BLUE,
fill: KhanUtil.BLUE
// returns true if the three points don't form a parabola (that opens vertically)
graph.invalid = function( p1, p2, p3 ) {
return ( ( p1[ 0 ] - p2[ 0 ] ) * ( p1[ 0 ] - p3[ 0 ] ) * ( p2[ 0 ] - p3[ 0 ] ) === 0 );
// Fits a parabola to 3 points
graph.fitParabola = function( p1, p2, p3 ) {
var denom = (p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p3[0]) * (p2[0] - p3[0]);
if ( denom !== 0 ) {
var A = (p3[0] * (p2[1] - p1[1]) + p2[0] * (p1[1] - p3[1]) + p1[0] * (p3[1] - p2[1])) / denom;
var B = ((p3[0] * p3[0]) * (p1[1] - p2[1]) + (p2[0] * p2[0]) * (p3[1] - p1[1]) + (p1[0] * p1[0]) * (p2[1] - p3[1])) / denom;
var C = (p2[0] * p3[0] * (p2[0] - p3[0]) * p1[1] + p3[0] * p1[0] * (p3[0] - p1[0]) * p2[1] + p1[0] * p2[0] * (p1[0] - p2[0]) * p3[1]) / denom;
return [ A, B, C ];
} else {
return [ 0, 0, 0 ];
// A and B can't be in the same place
graph.pointA.onMove = function( x, y ) {
if ( graph.invalid( [ x, y ], graph.pointB.coord, graph.pointC.coord ) ) {
return false;
graph.pointA.coord = [ x, y ];
graph.pointB.onMove = function( x, y ) {
if ( graph.invalid( graph.pointA.coord, [ x, y ], graph.pointC.coord ) ) {
return false;
graph.pointB.coord = [ x, y ];
graph.pointC.onMove = function( x, y ) {
if ( graph.invalid( graph.pointA.coord, graph.pointB.coord, [ x, y ] ) ) {
return false;
graph.pointC.coord = [ x, y ];
graph.parabola = bogusShape;
graph.drawParabola = function() {
var coeffs = graph.fitParabola( graph.pointA.coord, graph.pointB.coord, graph.pointC.coord );
stroke: KhanUtil.BLUE
}, function() {
// Plot the parabola
var a = coeffs[0], b = coeffs[1], c = coeffs[2];
graph.parabola = parabola(a, b, c);
graph.showSolution = function() {
$( "html, body" ).animate({
scrollTop: $( ".question" ).offset().top
}, {
duration: 500,
easing: "swing",
complete: function() {
var coords = {
x1: graph.pointA.coord[0],
y1: graph.pointA.coord[1],
x2: graph.pointB.coord[0],
y2: graph.pointB.coord[1],
x3: graph.pointC.coord[0],
y3: graph.pointC.coord[1]
$( coords ).delay( 100 ).animate({
x1: 2,
y1: 2 * 2 + B * 2 + C,
x2: -2,
y2: -2 * -2 + B * -2 + C,
x3: 0,
y3: C
}, {
duration: 500,
easing: "linear",
step: function( now, fx ) {
coords[ fx.prop ] = now;
graph.pointA.setCoord([ coords.x1, coords.y1 ]);
graph.pointB.setCoord([ coords.x2, coords.y2 ]);
graph.pointC.setCoord([ coords.x3, coords.y3 ]);
Drag the three points to graph the equation.
[ graph.pointA.coord, graph.pointB.coord, graph.pointC.coord ]
var coeffs = graph.fitParabola( graph.pointA.coord, graph.pointB.coord, graph.pointC.coord );
if ( coeffs[0] === 0 && coeffs[1] === 0 && coeffs[2] === 5 ) {
return "";
return abs( A - coeffs[0] ) < 0.001 && abs( B - coeffs[1] ) < 0.001 && abs( C - coeffs[2] ) < 0.001;
graph.pointA.setCoord( guess[0] );
graph.pointB.setCoord( guess[1] );
graph.pointC.setCoord( guess[2] );