randRange(4, 20) getFactors(NUMBER)

What are the positive factors of NUMBER?

You can resize this box with NUMBER dots to help you find the factors:

init({ range: [[-3, NUMBER + 3], [-NUMBER - 3, 3]], scale: [20, 20] }); addMouseLayer(); graph.width = NUMBER; graph.height = 1; graph.set = bogusShape; graph.handle = bogusShape; graph.topLabel = bogusShape; graph.leftLabel = bogusShape; graph.redraw = function() { graph.set.remove(); graph.topLabel.remove(); graph.leftLabel.remove(); graph.height = ceil(NUMBER / graph.width); init({ range: [[-3, graph.width + 3], [-graph.height - 2, 3]], scale: [20, 20] }); graph.set = raphael.set(); graph.set.push(path([ [-1, 1], [graph.width, 1], [graph.width, -graph.height], [-1, -graph.height], [-1, 1], [1, 1]],{ stroke: BLUE, opacity: 1.0 })); _(NUMBER).times(function(i) { graph.set.push(circle([i % graph.width, -floor(i / graph.width)], 0.25, { stroke: BLUE, fill: BLUE, opacity: 0.6 })); }); graph.handle.translate( graph.width * 20 - graph.handle[0].attr("translation").x, graph.height * 10 - graph.handle[0].attr("translation").y); graph.topLabel = label([graph.width / 2 - 0.5, 1], graph.width, "above"); graph.leftLabel = label([-1, -graph.height / 2 + 0.5], graph.height, "left"); }; graph.dragHandle = addMovablePoint({ coord: [graph.width, -graph.height / 2 + 0.5], constraints: { constrainY: true }, snapX: 1, onMove: function(x, y) { graph.width = min(max(x, 1), NUMBER); graph.redraw(); return [graph.width, -graph.height / 2 + 0.5]; } }); graph.handle = raphael.set(); graph.handle.push(line( [-0.12, 0], [-0.12, 1], { stroke: BLUE, opacity: 1.0 })); graph.handle.push(line( [0.12, 0], [0.12, 1], { stroke: BLUE, opacity: 1.0 })); graph.dragHandle.visibleShape.remove(); graph.dragHandle.mouseTarget.attr({ scale: 2.0 }); var $mouseTarget = $(graph.dragHandle.mouseTarget.getMouseTarget()); $mouseTarget.bind("vmouseover", function(event) { graph.handle.animate({ scale: 1.5, stroke: BLUE }, 50); }); $mouseTarget.bind("vmouseout", function(event) { graph.handle.animate({ scale: 1.0, stroke: BLUE }, 50); }); graph.redraw();

Enter all the different factors you can find (one factor per box):

The NUMBER dots can be arranged in NUMBER / FACTOR row. The NUMBER dots can be arranged in NUMBER / FACTOR rows. Each row has FACTOR dot each, so \pink{NUMBER / FACTOR} is a factor of NUMBER: Each row has FACTOR dots each, so \pink{NUMBER / FACTOR} is a factor of NUMBER:

graph.width = FACTOR; graph.height = ceil(NUMBER / graph.width); init({ range: [[-3, graph.width + 3], [-graph.height - 2, 3]], scale: [7, 7] }); graph.set = raphael.set(); graph.set.push(path([ [-1, 1], [graph.width, 1], [graph.width, -graph.height], [-1, -graph.height], [-1, 1], [1, 1]],{ stroke: BLUE, opacity: 1.0 })); _(NUMBER).times(function(i) { graph.set.push(circle([i % graph.width, -floor(i / graph.width)], 0.25, { stroke: BLUE, fill: BLUE, opacity: 0.6 })); });

The positive factors of NUMBER are toSentenceTex(FACTORS.reverse(), function(){return true;}, "hint_pink").