randRange( 20, 50 ) randRange( 20, 40 ) START + ANSWER - 1 randRange(0, 1) === 0 DO_BOOL ? $._("problems") : randFromArray([$._("pages"), $._("papers"), $._("articles")]) randRange(0, 3)

person(1) had to do PROBLEMS START through END for homework last week. person(1) had to do PROBLEMS START through END for homework tonight. person(1) was assigned PROBLEMS START through END for homework last week. person(1) was assigned PROBLEMS START through END for homework tonight.

person(1) had to read PROBLEMS START through END for homework last week. person(1) had to read PROBLEMS START through END for homework tonight. person(1) was assigned PROBLEMS START through END for homework last week. person(1) was assigned PROBLEMS START through END for homework tonight.

If person( 1 ) did all of the PROBLEMS he was assigned, how many PROBLEMS did he do? If person( 1 ) read all of the PROBLEMS he was assigned, how many PROBLEMS did he read?

If person( 1 ) did all of the PROBLEMS she was assigned, how many PROBLEMS did she do? If person( 1 ) read all of the PROBLEMS she was assigned, how many PROBLEMS did she read?


Instead of counting PROBLEMS START through END, we can subtract START - 1 from each number.

Now the PROBLEMS are 1 through ANSWER.

So person(1) did ANSWER PROBLEMS.

So person(1) read ANSWER PROBLEMS.

Notice that he did ANSWER and not ANSWER - 1 PROBLEMS. Notice that he read ANSWER and not ANSWER - 1 PROBLEMS.

Notice that she did ANSWER and not ANSWER - 1 PROBLEMS. Notice that she read ANSWER and not ANSWER - 1 PROBLEMS.

randRange( 5, 15 )

A baker has a whole {baguette|loaf of bread}.

How many parallel cuts must {he|she} make to have exactly NUM even slices?

NUM -1 cuts

One cut will make two slices, two cuts will make three slices, and so on.

Therefore, we need NUM - 1 cuts to make NUM slices.

randRange( 10, 20 )

person( 1 ) is building a straight fence, with posts one meter apart.

If the fence is LENGTH meters long, how many fence posts does he need?

If the fence is LENGTH meters long, how many fence posts does she need?

LENGTH + 1 fence posts

If the fence is one meter long, he needs two posts (one for each end).

If the fence is one meter long, she needs two posts (one for each end).

If the fence is two meters long, then he needs three posts, and so on.

If the fence is two meters long, then she needs three posts, and so on.

Therefore, he needs LENGTH + 1 posts for a LENGTH meter fence.

Therefore, she needs LENGTH + 1 posts for a LENGTH meter fence.