<<<<<<< HEAD Generics 2 ======= Generics Checkpoint 1 >>>>>>> a73ca3e642df4e32531b17bca5cb7a0d33b0c081 <<<<<<< HEAD

GGiven the following statement:

            fpublic ArrayList friends = new ArrayList();
Which of the following is true?

Any object that is a subclass of Person can be added to friends
  • Any generic that is passed to ArrayList can be added to friends
  • Any object can be added to friends
  • Any object that is passed to ArrayList can be added to friends
  • =======

    Is the following statement True or False? Statement: "To declare generic methods we write methods using the format"

    methodModifiers  returnType methodName(methodParameters).
    • False
    • >>>>>>> a73ca3e642df4e32531b17bca5cb7a0d33b0c081

    There are no hints for this question