(function(){ window.OpenPopKa = true;}())

Pascal's triangle is a useful recursive definition that tells us the coefficients in the expansion of the polynomial (x + a)^n. Each element in the triangle has a coordinate, given by the row it is on and its position in the row (which you could call a column). Every number in Pascals triangle is defined as the sum of the item above it and the item above it and to the left. If there is a position that does not have an entry, we treat it as if we had a 0 there. Given the following recursive function signature, write down the recursive function which takes a row and a column and finds the value at that position in the triangle. Consider that the triangle starts at row 0 and column 0.

if (guess[0] != initEditor) { console.log(guess[0]); window.codeValue = guess[0]; window.progexType= "RecurTutor"; window.summexName = "RecWPascalPROG"; } else { return ""; }

If it is row zero or column zero then there return should be one.

You will need two recursive calls, one to scan the rows above and the other for the columns to the left.