(function(){ window.OpenPopKa = true;}())

For function "log", write the missing base case condition and the recursive call. This function computes the log of "n" to the base "b". As an example: log 8 to the base 2 equals 3 since 8 = 2*2*2. We can find this by dividing 8 by 2 until we reach 1, and we count the number of divisions we made. You should assume that "n" is exactly "b" to some integer power.

if (guess[0] != initEditor) { console.log(guess[0]); window.codeValue = guess[0]; window.progexType= "RecurTutor"; window.summexName= "RecCLogPROG"; } else { return ""; }

The log of any number x to base x is 1. Every time the recursive call is executed it should increment the count for how many times we can divide b by n.