RP27part1.init() RP27part1.expression

Consider the following SLang 2 program:


Assume that this program is interpreted in a global environment in which x, y, and z are bound to the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Write down the full data structure that represents the environment that is active at the time the print statement is about to be executed.

return RP27part1.validateAnswer(guess);

Recall that the SLang 2 interpreter uses static binding and that, by default, the arguments in a function call are passed by value.

When two or more bindings are included in a let block, are they performed in sequence or in parallel?

Recall that this program is interpreted in a global environment that is not empty.

It might be easier to use an editor with automatic indentation and bracket matching to build your answer before you paste it into the answer field.

Make sure to review the data structures in both env.js and absyn.js.