InfSeq2.init() InfSeq2.answer InfSeq2.functionDisplayed InfSeq2.initialStatement



Write down below the code segment that must replace the comment above. For you to get credit, your code will have to be syntactically correct JavaScript code that passes all of the unit tests for this problem and ONLY uses the following JavaScript features: the binary operators +, *, <, >, and ===, function expressions, calls to the f, is.hd,, and is.cons functions, return and if/else statements.

return InfSeq2.checkAnswer(guess);

Make sure to double-check your answer for typos (e.g., recall that JavaScript is case sensitive), missing or extra parentheses or braces, etc.

Your answer must strictly replace the comment above. Do not include any of the code that is already present before or after the comment.

Correct answers are purely recursive and may NOT call the map, filter, iterates, from, take, or drop functions.

The correct answer is: answer