Environment2.init() Environment2.expression Environment2.answer

What is the value of the following SLang 1 expression when evaluated in a global environment in which x, y, and z are bound to the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively?


The answer is a single integer (e.g., 23), the word "closure" or the word "error" (if the evaluation of the expression above throws an exception). In the last two cases, the one-word answer is in all lowercase letters and does NOT include the double quotes.

return Environment2.validateAnswer(guess);

Note that the answer is a single integer or word, NOT a full denoted value like ["Num",99] or ["Clo", ... , ... , ...]

The SLang 1 interpreter uses eager evaluation. Therefore, in a function call, all arguments are evaluated before the body of the function.

Determine the scope of the binding occurrences in each function definition that this expression contains.

Note that SLang 1 uses static scoping (or static binding).

Match parameters to arguments in function calls.

Remember that the overall expression is evaluated in a global environment that is not empty.

The correct answer is: answer