Environment1.init() Environment1.expression Environment1.underlinedExpression Environment1.answer

Assume that the following expression is evaluated in a global environment in which x, y, and z are bound to the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively.


In the active environment in which it is evaluated, what value is the underlined variable occurrence bound to? The answer is a single integer (e.g., 23), the word "closure", or the word "error" (if the evaluation of the expression above throws an exception). In the last two cases, the one-word answer is in all lowercase letters and does NOT include the double quotes.

return Environment1.validateAnswer(guess);

Note that the answer is a single integer or word, NOT a full denoted value like ["Num",99] or ["Clo", ... , ... , ...]

Determine the scope of the binding occurrences in each function definition that this expression contains.

Note that SLang 1 uses static scoping (or static binding).

Match parameters to arguments in function calls.

Remember that the overall expression is evaluated in a global environment that is not empty.

The correct answer is: answer