Which one of the following expressions is the curry function written in SLang 1?

fn(f)=>fn(x)=>fn(y)=>(f x y)
  • fn(f)=>fn(x)=>fn(y)=>(f (x y))
  • fn(f)=>fn(x)=>fn(y)=>((f x) y)
  • fn(f)=>fn(x)=>(fn(y)=>(f (x y)))
  • fn(f)=>fn(x)=>(fn(y)=>((f x) y))
  • fn(f)=>fn(x)=>(fn(y)=>(f x y))

Make sure to review the behavior of the curry function. What does it take as input? What does it return?

Review the syntax and semantics of function calls in SLang 1.