ContinuationPassing4.init() ContinuationPassing4.answer ContinuationPassing4.functionDisplayed ContinuationPassing4.initialStatement



Write down below the code segment that must replace the comment above. For you to get credit, your code will have to be syntactically correct functional JavaScript (e.g., use if/then/else instead of ... ? ... : ...), use the fp helper functions WHENEVER possible (e.g., use fp.add instead of the JavaScript operator +), pass all of the unit tests for this problem, and use continuations as intended. Recall that a continuation is a function that takes in the result of completed computations and then performs the remaining computations.

return ContinuationPassing4.checkAnswer(guess);

Make sure to double-check your answer for typos (e.g., recall that JavaScript is case sensitive), missing or extra parentheses, etc.

While there may be several answers that pass all of the unit tests, the only accepted answers are those that use the continuation k as intended.

The correct answer is:
