BetaReduction.init() BetaReduction.expression BetaReduction.hint5

The following λ expression is a β-redex:


You must perform one full β-reduction on this redex, not on one of the redexes inside of it, if any. Write down the result of this β-reduction below, using the caret (^) character instead of the λ character. If one or more α-conversions are needed, then you MUST introduce new variable names in alphabetical order starting with the letter "a", then "b", etc., as you perform the β-reduction from left to right. Finally, note that it is possible for a new variable name, say "a", to appear more than once in the correct answer.

return BetaReduction.validateAnswer(guess);

Which substitution is used to β-reduce (λp.b a)?

Review the substitution algorithm if needed.

Make sure to use the required variable name if an α-conversion is required.

If you copy and paste the λ-expression above, remember to replace each occurrence of λ with a ^.
