Review the scenario below, then answer the questions which follow, using the UML diagram below.

This UML may represent the partial design for an Employee Management System (sometimes referred to as an Employee Information System or Human Resources Information System) for a business or organization.
Such systems are often used to support tracking and managing of employee information and related process.
This may including recruitment and applicant tracking, payroll administration, vacation and benefits administration, time and attendance management, training, and performance management.
An Employee Management System would need the ability to track and manage many different instances of the Employee objects (as well as many instances of Employee subclasses, such as ExternalContractor, PartTimeEmployee).

Which of the following would NOT be appropriate functional requirements for an Employee Management System?

Complete user-initiated requests within 3 seconds when the number of simultaneous users are > 500 but < 1000
  • Allow authorized users to add, view, and modify an employee record
  • Allow authorized users to search for an employee record
  • Allow employee users to submit a vacation\leave application

Remember this question is asking which would not be an appropriate functional requirement