Khan.randRange(4, 6) Khan.randRange(0, 999) lstackPushPRO.initJSAV(arr_size,insert_value)

Your task in this exercise is to show the behavior for the linked stack's push operation.

Push insert_value into the stack.

You can create a new link node by clicking the "NewNode" button. You can insert a value into the node by clicking the "Insert" button. To change a pointer, click its start point (in the right-hand side of its start node), and then click on the node that you want it to point to.

if (!lstackPushPRO.checkAnswer() && !guess[0]) { return ""; // User did not click, and correct answer is not // initial array state } else { return lstackPushPRO.checkAnswer(); }

The first step would be to create a new link node. Then insert the new value into the new node.

Next, click the right section of the new node so that you can change where it points to. Then click the first node on the list.

Finally, click "top" and then click the new node to change where "top" points to.