(function(){ window.OpenPopKa = true; }()) Khan.randRange(0, 99) Khan.randRange(0, 99) Khan.randRange(0, 99) Khan.randRange(0, 99)

Use appropriate method calls from the List ADT to create the following list:
< listel1 listel2 | listel3 listel4 >
You should assume that L is passed to the function as an empty list.

if (guess[0] != initEditor) { console.log(guess[0]); window.codeValue = guess[0]; window.progexType = "list"; window.summexName = "ListADTPROG"; window.generatedList = "< " + listel1 + " " + listel2 + " | " + listel3 + " " + listel4 + " >"; } else { return ""; }

Look at the list ADT, and use method calls from there to manipulate what is on list L.