alistRemovePRO.getSize(1, 6) alistRemovePRO.getPos() alistRemovePRO.initJSAV(arrSize, removePos)

Your task in this exercise is to show the behavior for array-based list deletion. In the array displayed below, the "current" position is removePos.

Click on a value to highlight it, then click on the return box to remember the highlighted element. Move elements in the array as appropriate by first clicking on the element that you want to move (to highlight it), then click on where it goes.

if (!alistRemovePRO.checkAnswer(arrSize) && !guess[0]) { return ""; // User did not click, and correct answer is not // initial array state } else { return alistRemovePRO.checkAnswer(arrSize); }

Move the element being removed to the return box.

If "current" is not the last element of the array, shift all elements after "current" one position to the left.