0.05 -1 0.05 -1 randRange(1,999) * pow(10, randRange(-2,3)) randRange(0,1) (randRange(1,999) * pow(10, randRange(-5,-3))) randRange(0,1) 25 randRange(25000, 200000) * pow(10, -3) randRange(0,1) 70000000 -1 0.000023 randRange(0,1)

A solid square bar of cross-sectional dimensions CS1 x CS1 is attached rigidly to the wall at point A and has a gap of 1 mm from the rigid wall at point B at T degree C. Knowing the bar is made of aluminum,

L = L m
\delta=gap m
T_n=nT degree C
E=E Pa
And the equation for expansion is as follows: \delta = \alpha \Delta T L

1. At what temperature does the gap close? gap / (a*L) + T
1. At a temperature of nT degree C, what is the length expansion of the bar? a * (nT-T) * L
1. Given the expansion of the bar in the present condition, what is the value of alpha for aluminium? gap / (L * (nT-T))
1. Given the expansion of the bar in the present condition, what is the length of the bar prior to expansion? gap / (a * (nT-T))

rigid bar attached to wall A, with a small gap between right edge of bar and wall B

round((gap / (a*L) + T)*1000) / 1000 The correct answer expected from the student

round((a * (nT-T) * L)*1000) / 1000 The correct answer expected from the student

round((gap / (L * (nT-T)))*1000) / 1000 The correct answer expected from the student

round((gap / (a * (nT-T)))*1000) / 1000 The correct answer expected from the student

Insert hints here subject to conditions governed by states of variables