
The rod AB consists of two cylndrical portions AC and BC, made of aluminium ( E= 70 GPa , "{\\alpha}"= "23.6\\times10^{-6} /^{\\circ}C" ) and brass ( E= 100 GPa , "{\\alpha}"= "19\\times10^{-6} /^{\\circ}C" ) respectively. These rods are joined to one another and rigidly constrained by the walls.
Each has a cross-sectional area of 1000 mm^2 .

Q. Initially stress free, what is the reaction force at end B if the temperature of the assembly is homogenously increased by 25 "^{\\circ}C" ?
Magnitude of Force at B (enter a positive quantity):
Direction of Force at B (click to show choices):

2 m
1 m

[ mechSolverCommon.globalSolutionBoxes ]
var answer = mechSolverCommon.checkAnswer(); if (!guess[0] && !answer) { return ""; // User did not click, and correct answer is not // initial array state } else { return answer; }